Good Friday – The Concept Of Unconditional Love

Good Friday ! The crucifixion cross represents itself as a symbol of Christianity and likely rightfully so, but what does that mean really .. what’s the deeper message ?

Now there’s the Christian view, through the various denominations of the faith … and here’s my take 🙂.

A Bit Of A Background First

I was born and bred into the Roman Catholic faith, and was up there with the rest at one time with how Christians practice their faith, though currently I no longer subscribe to or follow the doctrines, symbolisms of the church and religion. I no longer attend church. But in saying that my faith and belief in this “supreme power” has never been stronger. And I hold the being Jesus in high regard and the lessons I took as explained below.

One can say I am spiritual not religious. I am what one would term an Energy Channel and Conduit. Strange and wonderful things can happen when I lay my hands on someone, or when I simply intend so. I did not choose this, it was gifted to me and I’m humbled to have become a vessel for this “supreme power”, this “cosmic energy”, to work with whoever comes to me.

Do read on …..

So … About The Cross

If we took only one thing out of his teachings, it would be this … the concept of “Unconditional Love” !

To me, the underlying message within the cross is “Unconditional Love”, and emphasizing on the word UNCONDITIONAL ! Unfortunately most people struggle with this concept, let alone being able to practice or live it, the best of Christians included.

Unconditional Love ! I believe this is what the “being” we know as Jesus (or Yeshua as he presents himself to me) wanted mankind to grasp. If we took only one thing out of his teachings, I feel it would be this … the concept of “Unconditional Love” !

Look, he know what he was in for, he knew exactly !! And he had the power and ability to prevent the torture, the crucifixion. Why …. he could had stopped all of this at anytime, all he had to do was to lay his hand on the Pharisees and they would see the “light”. But why did he not?

When Peter defended Jesus by cutting off the ear of a Roman solider, Jesus reattached the ear and told Peter, “Shall I not drink from the cup my Father has given me”.

He could have chosen not to subject himself to this really horrible death. He instead saw and practiced a larger picture .. Unconditional Love !

What Is Love

Love, in my humble view, holds the highest frequency vibration in the cosmos. But the concept of love is often used and practiced very loosely by mankind. Through our conditioning and belief systems, love has very often become conditional, subject to something.

“I love you … but”

“I will do this for you … if”

“I will love ..when

Within the word UNCONDITIONAL, there is no place for “But”, If”, “And” or the likes.

True love flows from the heart, from this quiet, still, calm, peaceful place within void of unhelpful emotions and thoughts. It extends and radiates out in the absence of expectations, reward, self-ego, need for validation, acknowledgement, conditions, etc. … yep, you get it 🙂. True love is Unconditional and it flows out for the greater good for mankind.

On that note, there is also the aspect of Unconditional Love for one’s own-self ….  “Self Love”. But that’s a blog for another day 🙂 (stay tuned).

I’d encourage you to take time out to reflect and practice what unconditional love could mean for you. What happens when we choose (yes, its a choice) to encompasses the concept of unconditional in our interaction with others. Mothers, in particular, are quite good at this. Remember the phrase “A face only a mother could love” ?

Consider that when you practice this, you’ll find that potentially, you ;

    • Have less expectations of others
    • Respect and understand the journey / struggles of others better
    • Start seeing others in a different light, perhaps even the “God-spark” within them
    • Hence too, become less judgmental and perhaps more compassionate
    • Have less of a desire to lash out
    • Now find that you are less stressed about your expectations of life and people
    • Have less of those unhelpful emotions within, or perhaps are able to manage them better

Gosh, I could go on and on, but I hope you see that by allowing yourself to love unconditionally, you are actually helping yourself too. It could be termed a “selfish” act, but its a good thing ehh ? 🙂

Imagine how much better the world we live in could be, if we all took time just to practice a little “unconditional love”. When we choose to treat each other a slightly better degree of care, dignity, understanding and respect .. unconditionally.

Yeshua, The Cross And Unconditional Love

At the Last Supper, Yeshua washes the feet of his disciples and told his disciples “A new command I give you, love one another as I have loved you”.

I bet at that time, they did not have much of a freakin clue 🙂  what he truly meant.

Yeshua, could have saved himself from the cross and death, but his act was “selfless” and “unconditional” and aimed at demonstrating a practice for us to emulate in the manner we treat and regard each other.

“Love One Another As I Have Loved You … and know you don’t have to be a Christian or even be religious to practice this.

“Stay the course, pick up the pieces, start again”

While on the cross he went on to say “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”. Still, the human aspect of him had its own “hissy fit” as he cried out “Father, why have you forsaken me”.

This is something we can all inadvertently feel within, “forsaken”, as we practice  unconditional love and in the process get disregarded, have shit thrown at our faces, etc. Yep, we have all been there right ?

But what do you do then ? Stay the course, pick up the pieces, start again, get “forsaken” again and start all over again.

It is a big, big ask of anyone to practice unconditional love all the time. Its definitely easier said than done, but there is bigger picture here, ultimately taking yourself into a place of deep peace, feeling light, feeling free, allowing your true self from within to emerge and radiate.

Today, I am a better version of myself, simply because of how I “choose” to practice this in my own life. I falter, man do I falter ! 🙂 But I try and stay the course.

This, my friends is the meaning I take out of Good Friday. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

“Love One Another As I Have Loved You



Published by

Tony Ratnam

Tony is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, Lifestyle Coach, Energy Healing Facilitator and a Personal Fitness Trainer. He sees his purpose as towards helping people align themselves to be the best possible version of themselves and to further reach higher levels of consciousness in the process.

One thought on “Good Friday – The Concept Of Unconditional Love”

  1. 🙏🏻🌈 can send this message every year as a reminder of our Lord’s love that does not have any chains that links to satisfying him.. only sharing his peace 🙏🏻🌈

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