Birthday Blog – Letting Go The Sad Child

A story of allowing oneself the awareness to feel into limiting inner patterns … all towards letting that become the platform in enabling us to take that one extra step forward into new growth.

Its my Birthday today ! 🤗  … And today, I inadvertently gave myself one of the better presents I’ve given myself through me just listening to that inner voice. 🙌

 I’m not one for big celebrations but instead tend to become more the introvert, shying away and going within on my birthday. Over recent years I have also learnt to become more “comfortable” in being more “selfish” in how I choose to honour this day versus me feeling the need to oblige towards how the family would like to celebrate with / for me.

Something Happens Unintended 

The words that came to mind was “Sad Child” …. and from nowhere, I stated to feel emotional and tears started welling up on my eyes

This year, I decided to spend the 1st half of the day in quiet time, in quiet reflection at the beach. This entailed a long beach walk, reading a good book (Birthing a New Reality by ChristinA Ritchie – highly recommended) 👍 plus some meditative time with inner reflection … and naturally complete with my smoothies and coffee. 😅

Now, I have been sporting a right shoulder pain for a few months. Its related to the shoulder complex and instability within the scapula. But I have sensed for a while, the main contributing factor was more energetical but had little success with resolve.

As I gave myself the time to “just be” today and allowed myself to go within, sitting on the beach, questions were put to my inner self as to what the deal was with the shoulder. Then the answers started flowing in intuitively ;

    • Was this primarily a physical related issue ? … No
    • Was it more of a Mental or Spiritual nature ? … No
    • Was it an Emotionally related matter … Yes
    • Could you show me what this is about ? … Bang, it happened !!!

The words that came to mind was “Sad Child” …. and from nowhere, I suddenly started to feel emotional and tears started welling up on my eyes … Interesting, my conscious mind ponders 🤔.

I’m always applying therapeutical work on myself and over time have gone in deep and addressed a lot of issues going back to childhood, in the womb and even too at my own conception (a story for another day that ). But there are always layers upon layers, and these take time.

The message that came thru was, yes we have done the work, but we were still somehow holding on to the “sad child” within and that it was now time to let him go, he has played and fulfilled his role. It was time to set him free.

As I sat on the beach with the ocean in front of me, what presented in my mind’s eye were two versions of me aged approximately between five and seven years of age … there was the Sad Child and the Happy Child. They played together for a short spell and eventually Happy said goodbye to Sad and escorted him to the edge where the waves greeted the beach. It was time for Sad Child to go and I had to make a conscious choice as a start to let him go and to say goodbye.

Letting Go 

Gosh, this was hard for me. Out of nowhere an unexpected flood of emotions poured out into me and here am sitting on the beach tears streaming down my face … geez, its my birthday … come on !! 😅

To my surprise, it was really hard for me to let go of Sad Child, it would appear that I’ve identified with this younger persona of me so much that he had become engrained into the core of me. It was like loosing a part of me, an old friend .. in reality it was indeed so … BUT … that part was holding me back with regards my next level of growth. At a deep subconscious level, that association of me, how I identified myself with and as the “Sad Child” had to be fizzled out, disbursed from within my neurological pathways and energy bodies.

The memories would stay, but these would now have to be integrated into and within Happy Child. Oddly though, I have always struggled to relate to Happy Child, probably no thanks to my own childhood perceptions of myself and my childhood conditioning. Even now I struggle with embracing, feeling fun and joy into my life, but I am learning. 🤗

Trusting Guidance 

What I term the “Divine” guided me today, to do what I did to make the choices leading to alone time, to be reflective inwards, What today did for me was to lead me deeper in a sense of awareness of what I was holding on that no longer serves me, what to let go and what to now connect to in turn. I have grown to adhere to these little nudges, whims, voices and they almost never fail to deliver in some way or form .. naturally one has to trust first. 😀

My task henceforth was to learn to embody, resonate more with Happy Child. Now, it would seem that Sad Child did not necessarily go away completely … an aspect of it lingered / faded at the water’s edge in my mind’s eye, but that was still good enough, it was progress, I am guessing there will be more to this story as time unfolds.

Now, here’s the interesting observations … as I let go of Sad Child, thanked him and gave him permission to go, my body (sitting in a crossed leg position) started to spontaneously straighten up and it felt like my spine started to lengthen, I felt taller sitting down .. LOL ! 😅

The next message that came into me was, “Sad Child has no place in me anymore” and that I had to “embody Happy Child”. In my mind’s eye, Happy Child came into my body both from the front into my heart space and too from the back, merging into me … Wow !, that reinforced the physical reactions I had above even more.

Moving On – Healing

All in all it was a good birthday for me

Sad Child now started to fade into the water, and I started burping and yawning. This for me is an expression of an energetical clearing taking place. It happens within me when I work with clients as I clear energy within them and too for me when I do energetical work on myself. This was a good sign that something had shifted within / and or is in the process of so.

When I tapped again into the concept of Sad Child, I could no longer feel or connect to those emotions I had felt earlier, it seemed like a void, that space was empty. Now I will have to teach myself to connect with, nurture and allow Happy Child to grow and thrive within me. I’m not quite sure how I will, but I trust that guidance will present situations that will facilitate this process, naturally too, I will have to make certain conscious choices within me for this to bloom.

Physical healings – now, as I started my day in the morning and with my walk, my right shoulder, through to my neck had this kind of nagging, fatigue like feeling / pain. It was annoying, distracting and uncomfortable. However, as I began my walk back to my car and as I drove back home, I noticed that this was greatly reduced. But it’s still there, not gone completely. My guess is whatever that was released emotionally / energetically had something to do with me sporting the pain.

Will it go off completely ?, When will it happen ? …. Well I guess that’s still undetermined at this point. I hold a firm belief that the body is a barometer of our energetical bodies, spiritually, mentally and emotionally and too, that of our soul. When issues at these levels present and remain unresolved over time, they manifest themselves within the physical body. Its like our body signalling to us “Hey dude, something’s up”. Hence it helps to pay attention, to heed and go within to ask / seek, sometimes we may not get answers or nothing changes, but consider, ignoring the body in turn could result in worsening conditions.

All in all it was a good birthday for me …. Now anyone can do what I did today, in fact I’d highly encourage everyone to try this in some form or other, i.e. going within. Each can and eventually will develop their own style and as to what works for them, but more importantly, not to dictate the process, but allow you inner guidance to show you the way.

If you’ve come so far up to this point, I thank you for taking the time to read, I write this out not only as an expression of my own experience but too, in the event this helps someone on their journey as well. One of my “Why”, my reasons for being in this earth is to help make a difference in the lives of others and this gives me a sense of purpose plus a connection to something bigger than me.

If you have questions with regards your own journey and feel I could help, do drop me a line at and we’ll take it from there. Thanks once again. 🙌

Death !! One Person’s View

The Gist Of This Blog

How do you view death ? How relevant is the “post death” process for the deceased ? Would it perhaps be more for the living instead ?

In that regard, below is an extract of an email I sent to members of my family back in November 2019 titled “In The Event Of My Death” which I’d like to share.

A caution, this may ruffle the value and belief systems of some readers, its raw and direct.

The Usual Preamble

A chat this morning with a friend who was dealing with the passing of a loved one prompted me to write this. Well, to note too, the passing of my mum just four days ago probably added on to this prompt.

Those who know me well enough, will know that I am spiritual not religious (well, no longer) and too, pragmatic plus down to earth in me dealing with life’s challenges.

I’ve evolved from being a person who was hyper sensitive to what others thought of me, rather insecure, one who struggled to consider the views of others, patterned with rigid thinking from my formative years and too from that of being an Accountant for 30 plus years ……. well, to now, a Transformational Therapist who works with people (too, with similar journeys) helping them become better and newer versions of themselves, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually.

My views on life now are not necessarily what they used to be from years yonder and I have no doubt, my views as such will evolve further to other levels in the years to come.

The email extract referred to, naturally represents my take on the subject of death and related processes. My intention here is NOT to play down the values and beliefs of others, but simply to bring to a conscious awareness, alternative perspectives and insights as to why we may act the way we do, well that is if its not already evident enough.

At time of writing this blog, its April 2020.

But Before That

A relative once told me, if I come into some money, I will use it to do up a grand headstone on my dad’s grave. He went on to say that he made a promise to his dad (after his passing) that this is what he would do and that he felt his late dad would appreciate it. Too, that its a promise he should uphold.

Well, my mind went, hmmmmmm !!

I view the deceased as no longer holding the level of consciousness that we the living possess, which encompasses amongst others, opinions, expectations and emotions, especially the unhelpful ones.

Instead, I view the deceased as having connected back to a level of consciousness that is pure energy, cosmic in nature, where there is an absence of emotions, judgement, expectations etc. and hence do not “think” and “behave” as the living do.

I dare say they represent “pure love”. Consider ;

Would it matter to the deceased if there was a grand headstone or not?

Would they frown upon the living if that “promise” was not upheld ?

Would they now hold the living accountable ?

Perhaps, consider that this relative needed to go through a process that was vital to him getting closure and coming into harmony with his dad’s passing, related issues as well as coming into harmony with his own limiting patterns, emotions and triggers.

Now, I’m not suggesting otherwise with the headstone, by all means do it if need be. However I feel its important to bring into perspective (and a conscious awareness) why we do what we do and the reasons for it.

OK, Here Is The Email Extract

Recent deaths amongst families of friends have triggered these thoughts in me, which I have been wanting to say for a long time now, hence I might as well. 

In the event of my death …. Well, not that I see myself dying soon, in fact I plan to live for a long long time more.

… But, in the event of my death ;

  • Cremate me
  • Ashes .. well, it really does not matter to me, I am dead, let the crematorium dispose of it
  • Unless any of you want to do something else with it. But don’t do it for me, only if it helps you in dealing with the process / remembrance
  • Flowers, for yourselves and please tell people, PLEASE DON’T WASTE MONEY on that. I suggest that they can choose to contribute the $$ towards funeral expenses
  • I’m dead, I don’t give a shit about if there are flowers or not. It’s the florists that will benefit from it
  • Coffin – don’t waste money getting fancy stuff. Be practical, its going to be burnt anyway
  • Church funeral ? … don’t bother ! While my faith in God (incl Jesus, Mother Mary, etc.) is the strongest its ever been and will continue to reach new levels by the time I’m gone ….. I no longer subscribe to the doctrines of the church. It’s a man-made framework /attempt to understand and interpret the Divine and its incomplete and filled with what I see as un-useful traditions, rituals and symbolism and too some untruths. Well, in saying that, there is much truth and essence too therein … but its no longer the “book” I go by.
  • Do what’s convenient otherwise for you, this whole post-death process as I see it, is really to cater for the grieving process of the living, and not to mention social conventions
  • Really … you don’t have to pray for my soul or have any special blessings or ceremony. There is no substance or necessity in that as I see it. The moment I leave this physical body, the Soul / Spirit becomes part of the collective cosmic force and too, on a pre-determined direction
  • No amount of praying / ceremony / rituals nor the absence of it is going to make a difference. Which is one reason why I don’t resonate with the phrase “Rest In Peace”. The soul moves on to a new purpose, there is no need to rest, it is already in peace.
  • If you want / need to do something, do it for yourself as part of your process in remembering me
  • If any of you feel sorry for me in my passing, please don’t !!. While I understand the living will have go thru their own respective grieving process, its natural. I’d rather be remembered for the life I lived, not the death I died, if that makes sense. But then again, I’m dead !. I guess it does not matter to me
  • The Spirit moves on and no longer holds onto the conscious patterns common to the living. It’s a whole new ball game. So really, you don’t have to worry / not worry, i.e. how I may or may not think / react post death. The Spirit does not think and behave as the living do. The Spirit in fact vibrates at the same frequency as that of God (i.e. LOVE). Hence there exists no form of judgment or opinions from the deceased. It’s the living that tend to bring that into play, in an effort to process the passing and to get some degree of closure.

Finding Harmony Within Aversions In Life

My writing about my life experiences is in a way an avenue for my own self healing / clearing and too, in presenting to readers who may connect with what I have to say in regards to their own respective life journeys.

I’ll start here by relating on aspects of stuff in my life that I had impactful aversions to, and further to the insights as to why this was so and where I am now finding harmony with this, 40 years down the road.

Its a path of reconciliation of sorts, coming face to face with unwanted patterns and conditioning of old, recognizing them, understanding why they were there, with regards the role they played, acknowledging this and coming to terms that I no longer have to hold on to these. And in doing this, I set the stage to free up my mind and energies to move forward lighter and also to look back and discover the beauty and harmony that actually existed within that I was once averse to.

If you relate to what I’ve just mentioned, consider where in your life, do you see this play out in your own and what can you do henceforth to set your own stage for transformation.

What I’ve written here is something that I’ve always kept to myself and not even the people closest in my life are probably fully aware of this, Well its out now. 🙂

My Origins

I currently live in Perth, Australia, but I originated from Malaysia. I am Indian by race and I am what I’d term as a 3rd generation “Malaysian Indian”, on the basis of my great grandmother emigrating from South India to Malaysia. While Tamil was my mother tongue, I grew up with English as my main language. I myself though have never been to India, well one day I will. 🙂

Culturally and behaviorally, I see (well my view at least) a difference or distinction between the Indians born and bred in Malaysia in contrast to those in motherland India. For that reason too I’ve never quite identified myself with the ethnic cultures and dispositions of those from motherland India. That world as I then viewed it was a case of “Us” and “Them”. Even for that matter, as you’ll discover below, I also never quite fully identified myself with the ethnic cultures and dispositions of Malaysian Indians as well.

The Aversions

Up towards my teens and into my adult life, I found myself being quite averse to aspects of Indian culture and really “anything Indian”. I won’t say it was so in total, but it was significant enough.

Strange one would say, given that is my heritage.

I had this intense dislike for Bollywood movies, especially Tamil movies. With Hindustani movies however, somehow that seemed more tolerable, but still definitely not my cup of tea. And given Bollywood movies and songs go hand in hand, the same aversion existed within me for Tamil and Hindustani songs, here too with me being a little more tolerable towards some Hindustani songs.

These movies (and culture) for me were a representation of “too much drama”. Well those who watch Bollywood movies will know what I mean (well maybe some of you). To me the “drama” in these movies represented and portrayed a host of negativity, sorrow, pent up anger, narrow minded mentality and focus, glass half empty attitude, etc. Hang on one would say, there is beauty, harmony and joy in the songs and the dancing, well sadly I never saw that or related to it.

For me, all of this was in fact anchoring to the “drama” I observed in real life around me, family, friends and especially in general within the Malaysian Indian community. The intense dislike for Tamil movies came from this and my “over exposure” to it growing up as a kid.

I saw the Indian community in Malaysia as taking on the aspect of  “Life Imitating Art”. A lot of them seemed to emulate the unhelpful “drama” of these movies into their daily life and this was in turn projected onto people they interacted with. I truly believed that absent the influence (“drama”) of Bollywood movies, the Malaysian Indian community in general would possess a greater degree of consciousness.

I never quite resonated with the mindset, character, temperament (looking for the right phrase ..LOL ) of the typical Malaysian Indian and in particular that of the typical Indian male. I just never fully jived with it and with the associated bravado.

I’d like to emphasize here that I do not intend any disrespect or disregard to any persons or aspects of communities mentioned. What is being related here is my story, as a result of my own experiences and conditioning … read on.

So here I am painting multi aspects of the Indian community with the same broad brush and strokes. Nice one Tony !! 🙂

It can be said that my perception at that time was rather biased, somewhat judgmental, negative. All of this was however based on my clouded internal perception of “anything Indian”. Looking back it was due to my own insecurities and selective filtering, generalization of reality out there, resulting in my own selective reality based on my experiences of my life then.

As A Result

The consequence of my mindset, my self denial stifled my energy. I indirectly placed self impositions on what I can and can’t enjoy in life, where and how I should have  fun. Because I placed rules on what I can and cannot like, I inadvertently placed blocks on the joy of life flowing through me.

You know, one would never ever catch me dead wearing traditional Indian menswear. There was no way in hell you’d get me into one of those. Well, hang on, I may have once, dunno, its a faded / vague distant memory. Again, this is the result of the internal representation I had created in my head about “anything Indian”.

These days I am more comfortable in admitting and saying, without fear or favour that I never really liked my childhood, I did not enjoy it. I also don’t recall much of it, and where I do, its about things that I disliked about myself and what it represent in regards to that I wish I was not, or could have been instead.

In essence its not so much about what the external world projected onto that little boy, but more the meanings and the representations that little boy choose to take on as his belief systems and his reality.

But I have since, especially in recent years come (learnt) to sit in harmony with that little boy within.

There was a time when I left the family home, living and working in other towns (well, cities really). For me it was a time away from all these. Even still I’d literally & physically cringe if I were to walk into a situation where there was a Tamil movie playing and / or similar real life situations.

But it was not all 100% aversion. There were some old Tamil songs that I liked, the same with Hindustani songs and a couple of Hindustani movies (who recalls “Bobby” with Dimple Kapadia and Rishi Kapoor 🙂). But in the style of self-denial, aspects of me would never admit or acknowledge this, while secretly having a fondness. Ahahaha !! A representation of the many opposing conflicts within my life then.

The first three girls that I courted were strangely and in contrast, .. guess what ?  Ahahaha …. Indian !!! would you believe ?? 🙂 🙂 But then I found myself being pulled towards girls who were non-Indian. The pattern was playing out and my attractions diverted to females who were non-Indian. That was the case for subsequent girlfriends (not that I had many or I was playboy like .. Gosh !! the truth being far far from it 🙂 🙂) and my eventual marriage to a non-Indian. That in itself tells a story huh ?

Digressing a little, I held within me huge insecurities about me and the opposite sex. This was in relation my insecure take on their likely perception of me, my interaction with them and / or my concept of the opposite sex ever finding me attractive enough. Aspects of these core insecurities exists still today .. well that’s a story for a another blog and how I overcame it and how I continue to mop up the residual.


Fast forward to present time and my journey of awakening and growing in consciousness and spirituality. Its been a long “tooth and nail” path of transformation to where I am today. Do have a read of my blog titled Finding My Inner Radiance for more “juicy insights”.

I now consciously experience wave after wave of shifts both in the cognitive and spiritual sense.  But just when I feel I’ve reached a stable platform, something else, some gunk, is unearthed within for me to come face to face with. And when I learn to sit in harmony with these, I am then transformed and raised to another platform of being.

These days, I look forward to the “gunk” in my life surfacing, for its within these lie the answers and keys to my path henceforth. It frees my energies for me to engage more effectively in fulfilling my Life Purpose, the reason I came to this planet.

Today and in recent years I find myself becoming more in harmony with these aversions of past and my views of “anything Indian”, and this is the result of my progression in clearing away layers and layers of insecurities, unwanted patterns, conditioning and belief systems. I find myself now attempting to reconnect to my roots, my heritage in a new light and with a fresh set of eyes and perspective. Where this will take me, I do not know, but its a good thing.

These days, while I still don’t have any inclination to watch Bollywood movies, I find myself looking back in fondness at some of the songs of old and discovering the beauty and light in these and in others too . With regards my aversions of “anything Indian”, I nowadays find myself more accepting and in flow with it. I am now able to catch myself in the act  of any past patterns and have a conversation with myself as to why it is so, and what I can do to change it.

Of late I found myself waking up in the morning with some of these songs stuck in my head or finding myself spontaneously bursting into song with these, humming as I go about my day (Damn !! feels like me in a Bollywood movie ehh, bursting into song  ? .. Ahahaha !!). 🙂 🙂

Today was one of those days and I even did my gym workout listening to tracks of Hindustani songs .. LOL ! .. Gosh !! OMG !! What’s happening to me ! … hee hee !! 🙂 Well, it inspired me to write this blog out.

I leave you with this Hindustani clip “SAY SHAVA SHAVA” below. Compared to other songs this was kind of in the “acceptable” list for the me of the past. But as a result of my past internal perceptions it would have been uncomfortable for me to sit and watch the video in full .. e.g. the whole group dancing, party concept etc, amongst other things.

I guess some of you must be by now scratching your head and going .. but why ? Hmmm ! The power and impact of subconscious patterning. 🙂

I now am able to enjoy listening to this and more significantly so, am able to watch the “antics” 🙂 with greater sense of internal authenticity, acceptance and in harmony …. a stark contrast to even the me of even a couple of years ago, leave aside the me of old (not sure yet how I’ll fare with Tamil clips … watch this space). 🙂

I’ve come one step more towards sitting in harmony with things that I once dissociated with. Consider, that the things we fear, dislike or have aversions with are the very things that we’d need to face, find harmony with for our ongoing spiritual and cognitive growth.

Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Blessings to you !

Song and Video Credits And Acknowledgements
P/S : If the video above buffers too much, do click on the You Tube link below

You Tube ClipSonyMusicIndiaVEVO
Song Name – Say Shava Shava
Movie – Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham
Singer – Sudesh Bhosle, Alka Yagnik, Sunidhi Chauhan, Amitabh Bachchan, Aadesh Shrivastava & Udit Narayan
Lyrics – Sameer Anjaan Music – Aadesh Shrivastava
Director – Karan Johar
Studio – Dharma Productions
Producer – Yash Johar
Music Label – Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd.


The Transition Journey

A reflection on the years past and towards the years to be.

Part of what I like to do is looking for alternate (positive) meanings within things and using metaphors.

This time its the song “The Last Goodbye” from the movie “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies”. This song was composed by Billy Boyd, and who also sings it and beautifully too. Now, Lord of the Rings fans will know Billy Boyd to be the one playing the character of “Pippin”.

Scroll down below to listen to this song and view the full lyrics.

I connect with the lyrics of this song very much .. as what I take from it is a journey of transition.

To me, my journey of change over the years from a hard set personality with blinkers on, the “Accountant”, moving onto a continuously new and evolving horizon. I find myself now walking and discovering more and more the spiritual path with realizations of new levels of consciousness, all this towards the role I am to play in helping others in their very own journeys.

This song for me sheds light on the aspect of “the ME who can be” versus the aspects of “the ME that no longer serves my higher purpose”.

For something new to grow and flourish, at times somethings must die, somethings must end !

Connecting With The Song

And now, as 2017 ends, we reflect back on the trials, the tribulations, the journeys and paths traveled in 2017 (and prior), quoting the lyrics of this song, I now say to the ME of old …

To these memories I will hold
With your blessing I will go
To turn at last to paths that lead home

Many places I have been
Many sorrows I have seen
But I don’t regret
Nor will I forget
All who took that road with me

And as 2018 looms and as the trials of 2017 end …

Night is now falling
So ends this day

But now comes the day
To bid you farewell

And as I flow into 2018, I welcome, brace myself and look forward to the new trials, the new adventures, for …

The road is now calling
And I must away
Over hill and under tree
Through lands where never light has shone
By silver streams that run down to the sea

The Pursuit Of Happiness

For many, we wish so much to be in control of our destiny, we tend to take comfort in the predictive, in being predictive. We cling on to the hope, the ideal of happiness .. to the extent that we can end up becoming quite unhappy in the pursuit of happiness. Ironic huh ?

Consider that the happiness, the knowing that we seek can sometimes instead arise within our ability to let go of the need for it.

Consider that this can entail one walking within the dark, not knowing, unaware, feeling lost. But when one is able to do so and embrace this concept with trust and faith re the path ahead, the knowing and happiness have a tendency of presenting itself, disguised though at times, but know that it exists therein.

Consider the concept of …. that when we no longer view happiness as the end state / the destination … and instead embrace the ideal that we can discover it within the journey walked, within the darkness, within the trials and the tribulations

Consider that the “Happiness” is in fact the “Journey”

And though where the road then takes me,
I cannot tell ….

Consider too, for its within the darkest depths of the fears we hold onto, that we can in turn discover the light, the beauty and the strength that represents the most precious aspects of us and potentially the launch pad for our further greatness.

With the onset of the New Year, symbolically ….

I turn at last to paths that lead HOME 

For it is here in walking this journey, walking within the not knowing, that …

I can fully serve the purpose I was put here for …

I now embrace, live and sit in harmony with my fears and that which is presented here forth  …

The journey HOME .. where I further discover my own truth. Accepting who I am and who I’m not and being able to speak and walk my truth within my true authenticity …

Live my authenticity in the absence of the collective fears of past patterning and conditioning that have plagued most of us …


Hence to the “ME of old” ….. I bid you a fond farewell. For the road is now calling and I must away.

So !! What is your story ?

What road beckons you forth, what goodbyes do you have to say, what loads must you drop to travel through lands where never light has shone ? I bid you blessings on your journey.

Video and Song credits;
Korital Lyrics : For the You Tube clip with the lyrics
Copyright by WaterTower Music

“The Last Goodbye” (Billy Boyd)

I saw the light fade from the sky
On the wind I heard a sigh
As the snowflakes cover
My fallen brothers
I will say this last goodbye

Night is now falling
So ends this day
The road is now calling
And I must away

Over hill and under tree
Through lands where never light has shone
By silver streams that run down to the sea

Under cloud, beneath the stars
Over snow and winter’s morn
I turn at last to paths that lead home

And though where the road then takes me,
I cannot tell
We came all this way
But now comes the day
To bid you farewell

Many places I have been
Many sorrows I have seen
But I don’t regret
Nor will I forget
All who took that road with me

Night is now falling
So ends this day
The road is now calling
And I must away

Over hill, and under tree
Through lands where never light has shone
By silver streams that run down to the sea

To these memories I will hold
With your blessing I will go
To turn at last to paths that lead home

And though where the road then takes me,
I cannot tell
We came all this way
But now comes the day
To bid you farewell

I bid you all a very fond farewell


The Dark Swamp Metaphor

One can metaphorize the experiences and challenges of our lives as a long journey, segmented by beautiful paved paths, lush meadows, rolling hills and then too, raging rivers, torrent downfalls, rocky paths, swamps, steep mountains, the list goes on.

How do we then negotiate this ? Continue reading The Dark Swamp Metaphor